4 min

Manage your time like a pro with these 5 tips

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You have a lot of work and projects that you must work on, but you can't do anything and you pour it on your head? Whether you are a student, an employee, a freelancer or all at once, effective planning and organization of time is essential to increase your efficiency and reduce stress. In this article, we bring you 5 tips that will help you with your time. 

1. Know yourself

Everyone is productive at different times of the day, so it is important to find out when you work best and when are you most productive. Most people are most productive in the morning, then have an afternoon slump, and then have more energy again in the late afternoon. However, it is not a rule, so observe how you are doing. Subsequently, create a routine based on this and adjust your daily schedule so that you have the most demanding work scheduled at the peak of your energy and concentration. 

2. Calendar 

Open your Google calendar or another calendar that you like to use and fill it with all the tasks and other activities that you need, but also want to do. It's full, isn't it? That's exactly why don't fill your calendar to 100%, but only to 60-70%, so that you have room for unexpected things, or to have enough time for your tasks. If you fill your calendar to 100% and don't do all 200 things, you will only be frustrated and your entire planning will be ineffective.

3. That to

At the end of each working day, set aside a few minutes and make a plan for the next day. This way, you will get your thoughts on paper and reduce your stress and chaos in your head for the rest of the day. Do it on a sheet and break your tasks into smaller parts that will be easy to complete. And if you also tick off the small completed tasks, you will have a good feeling about it and the motivation to continue. For example, you can color code the tasks according to their importance.

4. Remove distracting elements

Turn off all notifications you don't need. For example, set 30 minutes during the day to write off and check all social networks to avoid picking up your phone every now and then. If there are things on your desk that bother you, put them away, keep things in order. And if you happen to be bothered by sounds around you that you cannot remove, turn on headphones white noise or Lofi beats. 

5. Healthy habits

To be able to maintain your productivity, create healthy habits that will help you. It is true that healthy habits are much harder to build than unhealthy ones, but they are very important for your productivity. This includes enough sleep, a balanced regular diet and relaxation. If you also work from home, healthy habits also include dividing space. Be sure not to work in bed so that your brain associates bed only with rest and sleep.

Finally, we recommend these three books that will help you with building habits and productivity. Build habits gradually, sustainably, and most importantly, don't feel bad if you're not 100% productive every day. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you! 

Click here and watch the whole video, which will bring you more information about building habits. 

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