Brands deals management

Don't waste time with administrative tasks. Create cool content while we take care of the rest.

How do we help
our partners?

We manage and organize your email inbox and calendar
We respond promptly and professionally to all work-related emails. We also manage client communication and event invitations, ensuring that everything is recorded in your calendar. Nothing will escape your attention!
We facilitate business opportunities and oversee campaigns
Switch to chill mode. We will handle campaign administration from A to Z and negotiate the best terms for collaborations. Our deep understanding of the market ensures we get the best deals with partnerships.
We monitor your deals and chase payments for collaborations
We handle your invoicing for you. You can review everything in our system, where you can see the live status of all your collaborations. We hide nothing and strive for complete transparency.
We connect with lovebrands and other talents
We find your perfect match to ensure that collaborations are natural and enjoyable. We also oversee the creative process to ensure that all parties are satisfied!
We have got your back when it comes to facing brands
We stand for your best interests, even when clients have their own ideas. We know your content inside out and can present brands with content that perfectly aligns with your style.

Why collaborate with us?

Time-tested and proven, we rock the creative market for 9 years
Friendly connection with creators, always just a call away
We always strive to negotiate the best conditions possible
We handle a lot of deals on your behalf without claiming our fee
Fairness, trust, and transparency are our top priorities
Regular chat about your progress and satisfaction
Are you interested in collaboration?

Get in touch with us and let's handle the rest here at Vidadu

Lenka Ďaďová

Account manager

It's easy

Free consultation

We will talk about your needs, collaborations and about you as an influencer. We will explain how we work.

Trial period

For 3 months, we will try together how our approach will suit you and how satisfied you will be.

Contract signed

We put everything into it, which is why we will sign an exclusive representation agreement.

And off we go!

From now on, we carry you in our hands, and you feel like in cotton. You release a quantum of things from your mind, and we kick into full speed!

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