by Google
Artificial intelligence is now available to everyone, but many people still don't know how to use it correctly and effectively. Even though AI is still a scarecrow for many, ChatGPT is a great tool that can help you with information search, content creation, programming, or brainstorming. However, many people don't know how to ask questions correctly and don't use its full potential.
How does ChatGPT work?
ChatGPT is a model of artificial intelligence that works on the principle of natural language processing (NLP). This means that it understands human text, analyzes it, and generates answers based on a huge amount of pre-trained data.
When you enter a question or a command (prompt), ChatGPT breaks it down into parts, identifies keywords, and searches within its model for the most likely answer.
Basic rules for effective use of ChatGPT
To get the best answer, you should stick to these principles:
Be specific - forget about general questions, ChatGPT doesn't know you and can't read your mind. Instead of "Write me something about the history of Slovakia" try "Summarize the main historical events of Slovakia from the 20th century to the present in 5 points."
Use context - provide context, for example, if you want the answer to follow up on previous questions, write "Based on the previous answer, can you recommend other resources?"
Specify the desired format - indicate in your question whether you want the answer in the form of a list, continuous text, paragraph or table, for example "Create a comparative table of the advantages and disadvantages of the iPhone and Android."
Give it a role - ChatGPT can answer you from different perspectives. If you assign it a role, it will try to find information and answer you accordingly. For example "Imagine that you are a marketing expert. How would you recommend I promote a new e-shop?"
Don't forget the details - if you want an exact answer, specify what/for what purpose you need it. For example, you could add that this is a caption for an Instagram post.
Types of questions that work best
To get the best possible answer from ChatGPT, it's a good idea to know what types of questions the AI can process most effectively. Some questions are clearer and easier to process, while others require more context and specification. Here are the types of questions that yield the best results:
Factual questions - these questions are based on specific facts or historical information. However, be careful with the latest information, ChatGPT may not answer you with complete accuracy, so check them. Example: "Who is the founder of Tesla?"
Explanatory questions - if you are asking about more complex concepts, for example, ChatGPT can provide you with simple and detailed explanations. In this case, specify at what level you want the answer to be explained. You can add after the question whether you want an explanation for an expert or a beginner. Example: "What is SEO and how to use it in digital marketing? Explain it to me as if I were 10 years old."
Comparison questions - comparison is one of the most powerful tools of ChatGPT, as it can identify the main differences between two or more concepts. Again, it helps if you specify the desired format, such as a list, table, or short summary. Example: "What is the difference between ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4?"
Practical questions - if you are looking for specific advice, procedures or instructions, ChatGPT can provide you with practical steps. For such questions, it is good to provide context, such as the type of company, target group or platform. For an even better answer, indicate who the instructions are intended for. For example: "Explain it to me from the perspective of a beginner freelancer."
Creative questions - if you need ideas for content, titles, slogans or scripts, ChatGPT can be a great brainstorming partner. For such questions, it is best to specify the style, tone or target audience. Example: "Come up with a title for a travel podcast for young people that is short, catchy and contains a pun."
How to refine your answer?
You won't always get an answer that exactly matches your expectations. If you want to improve the result, don't just ask for a "better" output, but specify exactly what needs to be changed.
❌ Bad assignment: "Write me a better version."
✅ Better assignment: "Write me a shorter and funnier version of this answer."
If you need to edit the answer in multiple ways, you can combine them: "Write me a shorter, funnier and more dynamic version of this text."
If you ask a very broad question, the answer may be too superficial or disorganized. Instead, break the question into smaller parts.
❌ Bad assignment: "Write me an article about artificial intelligence."
✅ Better assignment: 1. "What are the main areas of application of artificial intelligence?", 2. "Write me an introduction to an article about AI for beginners.", 3. "Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of AI in marketing."
Most common mistakes when using ChatGPT
Unclear assignment – "Write me something about sports." → The answer will be too wide.
Correct: "Write me 5 facts about football for beginners."
Too complicated questions in one step– "Write me an article about the history of advertising and how social media marketing is done today."
Correct: "First ask about the history of advertising, then about social media."
Not specifying the required style – "Write me an article about influencer marketing." → The answer may be too academic or general.
Correct: "Write me a short and engaging blog article about influencer marketing, designed for entrepreneurs."
ChatGPT is not just for work
Many people perceive ChatGPT as a work tool – it helps with writing texts, coding or marketing. But in fact, it can be a great helper in everyday situations. From health advice to vacation planning, here's a list of practical ways you can use it outside of work.
Health and self-diagnosis (with common sense!)
Although ChatGPT is not a doctor, it can help you identify common symptoms and advise when it's time to see a doctor. Write down your symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, and fatigue, and it will tell you what could be wrong and what can help you. ChatGPT can also save you from skin problems, just describe the problem and, ideally, take a photo.
🚨 Warning: Always check your health information with a professional! If it is a serious condition, do not hesitate to seek medical attention.
Help in the kitchen - recipes and cooking tips
Don't know what to cook, do you need to plan a meal or do you only have a few ingredients at home? ChatGPT can help you with this too. Tell him what ingredients you have at home so he can suggest a recipe for you, or tell him your allergies and he will suggest a substitute for an ingredient in the recipe. You can also create a meal with him according to your needs.
Shopping planning and lists
If you don't know what to buy or what to pack for your vacation, create a list using ChatGPT. Again, don't forget the details such as how many days you need to buy, what ingredients/foods you prefer, for how many people, where you are going on vacation, for how many days or what you plan to do there.
Personal Finance and Budgeting
Do you need to track your spending, saving or create a debt repayment plan? We don't need to repeat who will help you with that. Again, details - how much do you earn, what debts do you have, how much do you want to save, etc. You can also make a budget for the next month or a vacation, and if you don't understand some financial terms, ChatGPT will explain them to you.
Help with learning and education
The advantage of learning with ChatGPT is that it can explain almost any topic to you at the level you need. It can help you with learning a new language, studying for an exam, taking notes, and when you finish learning, it will test you.
Motivation and Productivity
Do you want to improve your life, get motivated, organize your day better, but you can't overcome procrastination? Enter ChatGPT to suggest a morning routine for you, for example. Of course, don't just write “suggest a morning routine for me”, but also add details, such as when you would like to wake up, what you want to accomplish, what your priority is, etc. Create an effective to-do list or personalized plan for sticking to a habit.
ChatGPT is a powerful assistant, but only when you ask it the right questions. Follow the rules of clear communication, try different approaches and you will see that it will become an invaluable part of your work and personal life.