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Is Facebook really dead, or does it still have potential?

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Facebook is one of the largest and most popular span> social networks in the world, which in Slovakia maintains its lead in the ranking of the most used platforms. According to available statistics, this platform dominates the Slovak digital space, thereby confirming its position as a key player in the field of online communication.

Facebook, led by Mark Zuckerberg and his group of fellow students, was founded at Harvard University as a platform primarily intended for connection and communication between students of this university. However, from its humble beginnings, it has evolved into a global social network that today connects people from all over the world. Despite the fact that Facebook is considered the most popular social network, there is a considerable number of opinions claiming that it is "dead", "nobody uses it anymore" or that it is "only for old people". However, these statements do not reflect the whole truth. Facebook still maintains its relevance and offers various possibilities of use even today.

According to many recognized marketing experts and social media managers, Facebook continues to have significant potential and can bring significant benefits. The key step is to identify the target group that actively uses Facebook, find out why they use it and understand what content appeals to them the most. This understanding will help create strategies that are not only effective, but also tailored to user needs and preferences, increasing engagement and reach on this platform.



Statistics from January 2024 indicate that Facebook is most often used to keep in touch with friends and family, as well as to share photos and videos. A unique feature that sets Facebook apart from other social networks is its groups. The number of users actively involved in communication in groups with different focus is increasing, which offers an opportunity to exchange knowledge and opinions between people with similar interests.

How to break through on Facebook

Text statuses on Facebook are becoming more and more popular, with the ones that encourage users seeing the most success to interact. An example can be a post from Rádio Expres, which invites its followers to write the best tips for evening snacks. Such a post can effectively draw users into the discussion, spark a wave of creative ideas for snacks, inspire them to share their own tips and thus increase engagement on the site. This approach proves that good community engagement can be the key to success on social media. You can see it in the preview 👇



Photos, including photo carousels, represent additional the type of content that gains popularity on Facebook. Carousels are able to keep users' attention for longer due to their visual appeal. When creating them, it is important to pay attention to the context and think about the choice of images. The ideal number of photos for a carousel is four, which together create a harmonious whole or collage. An excellent example of how to effectively use this format is Škoda Auto, which can present its vehicles in an engaging way using carousel photos. This approach not only engages the viewer, but also offers a story or context that complements the visual experience. You can also see it on this example 👇



For other content types such as links and Reels, it seems that these formats are starting to lose credibility. Although links to blogs, articles and other websites make up a significant part (up to 50%) of all posts on Facebook, their popularity is gradually decreasing and users are paying less and less attention to them. Short videos, known as Reels, are also seeing a decline in interest on Facebook, primarily due to the strong position of platforms like Instagram and TikTok in promoting this video format. So Facebook is trying to find its own way and focus on other kinds of content to maintain its uniqueness and attract users with different interest or preferences.

From the mentioned trends in the use of different types of posts on Facebook, it follows that this platform is far from , to be "dead"and continue to evolve. The key to success on Facebook is understanding the target group you want to reach and adapting to what resonates on the platform. With every social network comes constant changes, so it is essential to always be one step ahead and follow the latest trends and user preferences. What worked in the past may not work now, and therefore flexibility and a willingness to experiment with new formats and strategies can lead to greater engagement and success on this dynamically changing platform.

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