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What to do if your views have been dropping for a long time?

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There are many articles on how to start a YouTube channel or increase the number of views on your videos, but what if you have already achieved a stable the numbers you are happy with and they start to drop? In such a situation, every content creator would lose their appetite. Let's look at several reasons and solutions to help you.

YouTube Algorithm

First, it is important to understand YouTube's algorithm. YouTube's recommendation system is designed to offer you exactly the videos you enjoy the most and are likely to watch. The platform's algorithms take into account various factors, such as the length of the video, your engagement rate and how relevant the content is. It is often whispered among budding YouTubers that shorter videos could be a hit, mainly due to the short attention span of viewers. But all statistics and recommendations directly from YouTube indicate that longer videos do better because they offer more content to engage which is on the platform really important.

,,You can find a better answer to every question about an algorithm if you replace the word "algorithm" with the word "audience". The shift in thinking—from “What do I want?” to “What does my audience want?”—is groundbreaking for creators. The key to success is not fighting the algorithm, but focusing on your audience and their needs."

Why not shorts?
The YouTube Shorts trend has transformed the way viewers consume content. Short videos have made it much harder for videos that have 2-3 minutes, because the same content can be condensed into a short. This may have affected the creators to make at least 8-10 minutes videos will change, namely from October 15, when YouTube will launch 3-minute Shorts. /span>

When publishing your videos, have you ever wondered if you timed the video well? If you create content for younger age groups, such as schoolchildren or students, you can expect a decrease in views during periods such as the end of the school year, as kids are more focused on school and studying for final tests , like watching YouTube videos. At the same time, it is probable that schoolchildren watch videos during the school year in the afternoon and evening hours, and during holidays, on the contrary, in the morning hours. 

If you are a creator who focuses on sports content, you should consider sports seasons, which can significantly affect the viewership of your videos. During the Ice Hockey World Cup, videos focused on football may be viewed less and vice versa. If you want to adapt to these seasonal influences, it's a good idea to have a content plan ready that will be related to upcoming events and help you lead yourself on the current wave. .

Timeliness is key

It is important to focus on current events and trends. For example, if a famous actor has returned to a popular movie franchise, fans are looking for content related to that return. Connecting your content to current events can increase its chances of success.

,,The timing of content is something that many creators often underestimate, but it can actually be the deciding factor in a video's success or failure. People like to watch what's 'sizzling', and when you can time your videos right, you're sure to get more attention."

Experiment with formats

Starting to create YouTube Shorts can also be a great way to attract new viewers. However, it is important to add them moderately so that the YouTube algorithm does not consider your channel to be only focused on short videos.

Reality check

Self-knowledge and honesty with yourself is key also in the creation of content on YouTube, so it is important to occasionally ask yourself if the genre you create is still interesting for your viewers. If you notice a decline of interest in your content, you probably know the answer. Make time to analyze and reevaluate your videos and trends, not only with yourself, but also with your competitors. 

See the content and numbers of creators who make videos in the same or similar genre as you. If they're doing well, find out why. Do they make longer videos? Do they compose visuals into videos? And if they are not successful, probably the interest in videos in the given genre has completely decreased and it is time to adapt to the current trends.

Monitor your videos

If your videos contain controversial material, it may result in a "yellow dollar" flag, which means YouTube generates less revenue from them and less recommends them. If this has happened to you, we recommend that you monitor how YouTube reacts to your new videos and maybe hold off on publishing more videos until you see how things are going. 

If you think that the designation "yellow dollar" has been awarded incorrectly, you have the opportunity to request a reconsideration. YouTube gives creators the opportunity to challenge such decisions if they believe a mistake was made.

Quality before quantity

Remember that sometimes it is better to focus on quality than trying to create a large amount of content. Viewers really appreciate videos that are well prepared, contain valuable or interesting material and are technically quality processed. These videos have a much higher chance of viewers watching to the end, which can increase overall engagement and help your channel grow.

If your views are still decreasing, it can be frustrating. Many creators have encountered such a situation, and everyone reacts to it differently. Maybe you changed the style of your videos, started experimenting with new topics, or increased the production quality of your content.


Community Interaction

Building a community around your channel can significantly increase viewer loyalty and engagement. The most effective way to interact with viewers is to respond to comments. In this way, you show them that they are not stolen from you and that you do not ignore their feedback. Reading comments is followed by creating content based on feedback, which includes, for example, choosing a topic for the next video or adjusting the length of the video. 

Live broadcasts are also a great way to communicate with your community. This format allows for spontaneous communication that can be more engaging and personal, which can help create a stronger community around your channel.

,,Better spend time preparing to create something, that leaves an impression rather than chasing video counts. Viewers will not only appreciate the content, but also its sophistication and value, which will directly affect viewership. By responding to comments or organizing live broadcasts, you can strengthen relationships with your viewers, which in the long run will ensure a loyal and engaged community. Always make it a rule that after the release you comment on the most interesting comments or answer the questions that the viewers have for you."

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