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How to handle online hates: Practical tips for mental health and a positive online space

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Hatred on the Internet and haters in the comments are something that not only influencers and Youtubers, but also regular users of social networks encounter regularly. Aggressive messages, insults or even threats can have a serious impact on some people. In this article, we look at how to deal with online bullying, how to protect your mental health and how to encourage positive behavior in the digital space. 

Why do people hate each other?

The Internet provides a sense of anonymity, which leads people to behave differently than in real life. Many of those who write hateful comments probably wouldn't say such a thing to you in person. Hate comments often stem from frustration or personal issues, so the first step in responding to them is to not take it personally

The eternal dilemma - ignore or react?  

Why ignore? 

Responding to hateful comments can lead to a worsening of the situation or an escalation of the conflict. The authors of such comments often want attention or to provoke a reaction from you, so ignoring these comments will prevent them from getting the desired reaction. Interactions also increase visibility on social networks, so by responding to a hate comment, you will only get it among more users. 

When to react? 

If a comment contains incorrect information about you or your brand, it may be important to correct the author and respond to the comment with facts. Sometimes you can contribute to a positive change in opinions with a diplomatic response, because some hateful comments result from ignorance or misunderstanding.

Response Strategies

Keep it professional

Maintaining a professional and objective approach is key when responding to hateful comments. A factual and polite answer shows your maturity in dealing with difficult situations. With a calm and professional approach, you can build the trust of your community, which can help attract new followers.

Community Support

By commenting that rejects hateful content and supports the community, you can strengthen relationships with your followers. Standing up for your community when you see someone under attack is a key way to show support and maintain positive interactions.

Use humor

Using intelligent humor can help de-escalate the situation and show that you are on top of things. However, be careful when using humor and make sure it is suitable for your target group.

,,In the online world there is always someone who likes to vent in the comments under your post. It is important to realize that if it is not a constructive criticism, such haters are often just a manifestation of their own frustrations and negative phenomena in life. It is up to you whether you decide to suffer these comments on your profile or not. You can react to them or simply delete them. Ultimately, it's your space, your community, and you have the right to protect its atmosphere."

Reporting and blocking hate

Reporting or blocking hateful comments is a quick solution, the use of which depends on the situation. They serve as an immediate defense that does not address the primary problem of hatred. When to block and when to report? Let's take a closer look. 


Reporting generally has a greater impact, as you alert the platform directly to inappropriate behavior. Social networks use these reports to improve their algorithms and policies. Rather, reporting hate speech fulfills the long-term goal of reducing hate and contributes to lasting changes in behavior on social networks. 


Blocking is a quick way to protect yourself from further interaction with that person. If this person causes you psychological discomfort, blocking is a simple and quick solution to limit contact with the hater. However, the difference between blocking and reporting is that the blocked person will not be able to interact with you, but can continue their behavior on other profiles, so blocking only solves a short-term goal.

Whether you choose to ignore, react, block or report hey comments, it depends on the specific situation and what you want to achieve. Ignoring it can reduce the attention the hater gets, but if you think your response can make a difference or help your community, responding professionally and respectfully may be the right choice. Reporting and blocking are useful if you want to take direct action against inappropriate behavior and protect yourself or others. However, don't forget that the long-term solution is building a positive community and encouraging healthy discussions.

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