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How to choose the right influencer for your brand

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Choosing an influencer for your brand is as important as the strategic campaign itself, because the right influencer can bring your product or service closer to the exact target group you are trying to reach. The following steps and tips will help you navigate the selection process and decisions that can have a direct impact on the success of your campaign.

1. Determine your target group

Your target group should be the basis for choosing an influencer. You should know who your ideal customer is and what their online behavior is. Whether it's moms on maternity leave, outdoor enthusiasts, or tech geeks, targeting the right audience is the key to success.

"I agree, it is also important to know what demographics follow the given influencer. I recommend asking for age, country, and gender statistics to make sure his followers match the type of people you want to target with your campaign. By correctly targeting, you can minimize the waste of resources and increase the effectiveness of the campaign.”

2. Select the type of influencer

It is important to realize that not every influencer is suitable for every campaign. According to the size and type of your project, you should consider whether you need:

Nanoinfluencer (about 1,000 followers):

- He has a small reach, but the interaction with his followers is high.
- Often an expert in a specific field with personal relationship with followers.
- They trust his experiencesand reviews.

Micro-influencer (5,000 to 20,000 followers):

- Between brand and customer, very authentic with great influence.
- Willing to endorse products, that are close to him and he identifies with them.
- Actively shares information about the product and the brand.

Mid-tier influencer (20,000 to 100,000 followers):

- His follower base is large for significant reach, but close to micro-influencers.
- He has higher engagement and a closer relationship with followers, maintains personal contact.
- It is suitable for a specific audience with a lower fee, accessible to companies with a smaller budget.

Macroinfluencer (100,000 to 500,000 followers):

- Publicly known personality with great reach and interaction.
- Cares about quality content and tries to maintain an attractive feed.
- Chooses collaborations conscientiously, but can be financially demanding.

Megainfluencer (500,000 or more followers):

- Celebrities, athletes, singers with enormous reach.
- Difficult to maintain a close relationship with followers due to their quantity.
- Ideal when launching a new product on the market or needing to spread awareness about the brand.

“ Correctly and very aptly named individual groups of influencers. When choosing an influencer type, it's important to consider not only the size of their follower base, but also their relevance and relationship with their followers. For some projects, it can be effective to combine different types of influencers to achieve optimal reach and engagement of the target group. However, it is important to note that this categorization system is specific to the markets of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and may differ from global trends and standards in the field of influencer marketing.”


3. Analyze influencer

's content creation

The content that the influencer creates should match the values and image of your brand. Think about the quality, style and tone of their communication. It is important that their content is consistent with your message.

“I agree. In the field of influencer marketing, it is crucial that the content created by the influencer is in line with the brand's values and image. The quality of content, style and tone of communication can significantly influence how your brand is perceived by the target group.”

When choosing an influencer, it is important to consider whether their personal brand and way of communication are in line with by what you want to present. If an influencer creates content that is inconsistent with your message, it can lead to misunderstanding or loss of trust from your target audience.

4. Take care of followers' communication with influencers

It's not just about the number of followers. More important is the level of engagement – how often and how intensively the followers communicate with the influencer. A high level of engagement can mean that the influencer has a strong relationship with their community.


“Engagement rate is a key indicator of influencer marketing success. While the number of followers may be important, the real impact lies in the interaction and engagement of the community with the influencer's content. A strong relationship with the community means that an influencer is not just a person who has a lot of followers, but a real leader with an influence on his target group. This can lead to more authentic and effective campaigns. Emphasis on communication and relationships can bring long-term benefits for both parties, the brand and the influencer.”


5. Explore the influencer

's background

It is important that you research the influencer's background and avoid possible controversies that could harm your brand.

“When you choose an influencer, not only does he connect with your brand, but your brand also connects with him. That is why it is important to do your research to see if there are any ongoing or closed cases that could damage the brand. Maybe he's publicly announcing something that goes against your brand values and the audience can pick up on it, so you have to be careful. If you miss something, it's a good idea to have a crisis communication strategy ready."

6. Communicate with


Before you decide on cooperation, communicate with potential influencers. Discuss your goals, expectations and terms of cooperation. Their willingness and way of communication can be a good indicator of future cooperation.

“Communication is the key to successful cooperation, without it misunderstandings arise and it can adversely affect the overall course of cooperation. Always try to communicate with the creator on a friendly but professional level. Go over your campaign intent with influencers and let them have a hand in processing and creative. The influencer himself knows what works best for his followers, and therefore he himself will know best how to process the collaboration most effectively"

7. Monitor and evaluate the results

After launching the campaign, monitor and analyze the results. This will help you understand whether you have chosen the right influencer and whether you should work with them in the future.

“Results from collaborations should be your daily bread. Based on the statistics, you can focus on whether the collaboration was successful or not."


Choosing the right influencer is key to the success of your marketing campaigns. The right influencer can strengthen trust in your brand, increase awareness of your product and ultimately increase sales. 

“Working with influencers is interesting and dynamic. Each influencer is unique and brings with it its own style and community. When choosing an influencer, it is crucial not only to monitor the number of his followers, but especially the quality and authenticity of his content. From my point of view, open and honest communication is important. Before starting the cooperation, I always recommend discussing the expectations of both parties to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are satisfied with the cooperation. Don't be afraid to accept creative input from the influencer, as he knows his audience and the success of his content best, which can give a new touch to cooperation with you."

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