10 min

Zuzana Vačková: Play and creativity on the way to success at TikTok

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Discover the unconventional story of an actress and influencer who maintains her energy through direct communication and openness. Find out how she became a part of TikTok, what her secret is for always looking great, and how she copes with the time demands of food preparation. Get ready for exotic culinary adventures and interesting opinions on influencerdom, TikTok and custom YouTube interviews. Join our partner Zuzka as she shows us what it's really like to live a fulfilled enthusiastic life...


How do you maintain your eternal enthusiasm?

By direct communication. I express my satisfaction or dissatisfaction openly and my energy does not have to escape into any internal angers or disappointments. Thanks to this, I can live a beautiful full enthusiastic life.

How did you get to TikTok?

Like this! Women, the key is good light and a good camera angle (laughs). Let's be frank. Many profiles on social networks show a distorted reality. I don't do any editing with myself, but I still make sure that I don't post photos where I have four chins or where the light is terrible. I also want to like myself in that photo. If you are okay with what you see in the mirror in the morning and at night, then you don't have a problem. If someone else isn't happy with it, it can't affect you.

How much time does it take you to prepare food for the whole day?

That depends on whether I'm at home. When there was corona, it was different, because I was at home all day. I was cooking and thinking about what we were going to cook. The way it is with me is that I don't want to spend my youth in the kitchen. The meals I prepare are usually ready quickly, or it's such a convenient way to cook. For example, I put everything in the oven and let it bake for two hours, but I don't have to pay any more attention to it. If I had to give a time frame, how long it takes me, I really can't tell you. I can tell you that a few years ago I went on such a fast that I did not eat for more than 20 days, only drank fruit juices. We spend an awful lot of time not only preparing food, but also eating it.


What exotic food would you like to try and you have never tried it?

I have nothing so dreamy. Even when I come somewhere, I like to taste the local cuisine. I admit that some grasshoppers or insects, I haven't quite found the courage to do that yet. I think it will be such a breakthrough when I taste it once and say to myself - wow this is good! Lets go! So there may be some shift for me.

If you had to choose between working as an actress or an influencer, which one would you prefer and why?

Come on, but this is Sofia's choice, it's impossible!

What's the weirdest comment you've read about yourself?

There are a lot of all kinds of weirdos. There are different ones, let's call it in a positive sense, when someone compliments me on how I look or act, what a wonderful "milf" I am (laughs). I always feel like writing back to them that I am already a grandmother and not just a mother. This is bizarre to me that someone needs to communicate in such a way. Of course, I also consider it bizarre when someone tells me that I'm a skinny woman without a job. I really can't imagine what else I should be doing.

You have your own YouTube channel, what was the first impetus for you to start interviewing famous people?

It is my experience, because as an eighteen-nineteen-year-old girl, I did "Studio Contact" on Slovak Television. There, for an hour of live broadcasting, we played clips and shared interviews either with artists or some experts. I was always terribly sorry that I had about seven minutes for each performer, because one could talk for hours on various topics. I really enjoyed talking about how artists create or with the organizers about why they do something. When no television gives me the opportunity to make my hour-long talk show, I created it on YouTube and I'm very happy with it.

How do you prepare for your interviews? Do you write scripts?

In the first part, I very strictly followed the questions that I had prepared at home. Over time, I felt sorry for not starting from what those people actually said and continuing the conversation in the direction they directed it. Today, of course, when I go to interview someone, I think about what I would like to talk to them about. Above all, let the conversation develop naturally, let it flow!


What advice would you give to young aspiring creators who don't know how to do it?

I would advise them, try. Be original, but you don't have to be original at all costs. If you feel something, do it that way. Constantly comparing yourself to others can be a path to insecurity or a path to not actually doing anything. Even when I taught acting, many times the kids tried to do one dialogue differently just for the price of making it different. You don't have to be afraid to be different, but it's nice to be inspired by others. It depends on how you feel. If you want to make tiktoks that will be singing or dancing, or I don't know, you'll be standing on your head while doing it, and no one has ever stood on their head while doing a tiktok, so do it that way. Maybe people will like it, and if they don't, well, at least you got some exercise (laughs).

Who is your favorite TikToker and influencer? Who do you enjoy the most from the Slovak scene?

I enjoy, for example, Jovinečko and Fero Joke from the Slovak scene. Since I don't go to stand-up shows, I like to watch selected skits from various stand-ups on social networks. It's so nice of me to laugh about it.


What was your last play? Would you like to return in a bigger way to TV screens?

Now I had the premiere of On the Painted Glass, where I play an angel, and yesterday we started rehearsing Klimaktérium 2. They are really very different roles and theater form. I am happy with the creation on the stage when I am creating a character, and I am even more happy when the audience likes the character. Today, viewers can give feedback directly to us through social networks. I am happy about this.

At the moment I don't have a role in a series or film, but I don't see it as a problem. I don't say to myself, "Oh, I still miss TV work".

Of course it would make me happy, but I don't take it as something negative, because my work, which I do every day, whether on Instagram or YouTube or in the theater, is really very time-consuming. I really don't feel that I have few job opportunities. I also like to have time to go cycling or go for a walk. Live a little, not just be at work.

It is difficult for me to separate work time and private time. I also share private things on social networks. For most people, social networks are basically just a source of entertainment, and that includes me. However, since I also have a few paid collaborations, sometimes it's a bit about work. Finding that balance is sometimes more difficult for me than it might seem from the outside.


Thank you for the interesting interview with Zuzana Vačková. She is a truly inspirational woman who shows us that it is possible to live a fulfilled and enthusiastic life. Her advice is valuable for anyone who wants to become a successful influencer, actress or simply live a happy life.

If you are interested in the interview, be sure to check out Zuzana's social networks, her Instagram, TikTok or her YouTube channel. You will be pleasantly surprised by her openness, honesty and sense of humor.

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