6 min

Duklock celebrates the 3rd birthday of #ME with song HALÓ

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Hello, it's Wednesday again, turn on your headphones, because it's going to be a disaster. Duklock sends a message to his fans through a song he specially created to celebrate #ME's 3rd birthday. We certainly don't need to introduce you to the entertaining video format that connects Dušan with his fans through internet memes. Memes helped Duklock grow on YouTube, but at the same time, they almost cost him his entire channel, which at one point was threatened with complete cancellation and a ban on creation. It was just a real ride. But even after 3 years of entertaining people, overcoming strikes and the pandemic, #ME is still with us, and in honor of this birthday, we interviewed Dušan.

Hey, how does it feel when you realize you've been shooting #ME every Wednesday for 3 years?

"Well, half and half, because on the one hand you realize how precious time is and how quickly it passes, but on the other hand,when you're having fun, the time will simply pass quickly.

How did the idea to start making memes come about?

“I just like to solve memes. I keep watching it, I show people memes, funny videos, it's my guilty pleasure, so I thought why not make content out of it. It's clear to me, so I hope I'm not the only one with such a disease. 😅"

Do you still remember how you filmed your first #ME? How did it feel?

"Yes, I thought people were going to totally write in the comments that I was just copying Felix and in the end it was one of the best decisions I made in the creation content."

What are your 3 favorite meme formats?

“One would definitely be Drake because it can still be used today, it's just immortal. The second favorite will be the farmer memes, that's a heart, even though they are not funny anymore, they still have a special place in my heart. And the third, hmmm, I guess I'll leave that to whatever new one comes along, because you have to always have new formats, otherwise it won't be interesting and funny."

Which meme from the last video made you laugh the most?

“I don't know how to describe it, but this meme is pretty funny. 😂

What was your best and worst #ME? Why?

"It's hard to choose. But the worst was definitely the one because of which they almost deleted my channel, I don't know if it was Ondra Vlček #ME, which got banned not because of Ondra, but because of some incorrect meme that was in the past according to the rules okay, but after changing them, YouTube already evaluated it as problematic. So that's the worst #ME in my opinion. But the best is hard to choose, it's terribly subjective, because it's not so much me who decides it as the audience, so just watch the most watched, because in the end it's about entertaining as many people as possible and I think there are visions good metric.”

Which of the songs you created is closest to your heart? Why?

Definitely a parody of Dan. People thought I was really hating on him, so I made a parody, and he himself sent me the material for it. But now the song HALÓ was so heartfelt for me, because it's the first such project that I sat down with, that I'm going to try to make something listenable, and I guess I succeeded."

Your own music appears more and more in recent videos. Would you like to work more with music in the future?

"I don't know if I would like to devote myself to music full time, but it's definitely something that I really enjoy and especially I think that when music is taken lightly and a bit comically, it's a thousand times more striking than any joke.

Would you dare to create a song in collaboration with a Slovak rapper? Who would you like to have on the featuring?

“Dude, sure. On the featuring clearly Smart from DMS."

What can your fans look forward to in the coming months? Do you even have something special prepared for them this year?

"At the moment we are planning a prank for our gamers, there will be ALE CAU gaming mice for the computer and in cooperation with Dev1m we will also prepare pads for them, because I see that many children do not have pads and they destroy you're mice and it totally turns me on, so they will. 😀

At Duklock, we really appreciate the fact that everything he does on YouTube, he does with joy and humor. As he often says himself, one should not take oneself too seriously. We believe that he will maintain this approach to life and surprise us with even more great things that he has up his sleeve for now.

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