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What was Vidadu's home-office like? Interview with Vidadu members

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Home-office has become an international trend across companies in recent years. And it didn't escape us either. In the fall of 2020, willy-nilly, we left our beloved studio and exchanged it for a table and an uncomfortable chair, a couch and a bed at home.

We talked about this topic with our Vidadu colleagues.

We found out if they prefer to work in a cafe, on the beach or just at their desk at home. Are they more with their family, friends, and do they manage to be more efficient at home office or do they belong to the group of eternal procrastinators.

What do you love most about working in a home office?

Nina: It saves time, I don't have to move anywhere in the morning, so I have much more time before and after work, e.g. on your hobbies and self-development.

And I don't have to be around people, which I really appreciate as an introvert.

Nobody/nothing disturbs me and I can concentrate much better on work. In addition, my dog also loves it, so he doesn't have to stay home alone (he has separation anxiety and makes a mess in the pulpit).

Lenka:Everything. I love that I can wake up in the morning and immediately sit down at the computer without makeup. For me, it is definitely more efficient than working from the office, since just the transportation from the office to home takes up many times an hour of my time that I could have devoted to work.

I love to work from the comfort of my home, work in silence and I am not disturbed by colleagues talking or tapping on the laptop from a colleague next to me.

I love to prepare food at home and not spend on lunches and transportation.

Roman: Peace. I know how to spread my work, I don't have to rush anywhere.

Diana: It saves time and is more convenient for me. Objectively, I can do more - since I have no one to talk to, I focus more on work, or I can also multitask and turn on the washing machine while writing to e-mail.

Mother: Better time-management. I keep up with work and housework together.


What do you hate about working from home?

Nina: It is more difficult for me to separate work from my personal life, I have often caught myself working much longer than I should. I was already standing in the chancel at 5 pm in my jacket in front of the exit.

Lenka: Less personal communication in the team, which led to more frequent misunderstandings and disagreements.

Roman: Only misunderstandings in communication with the team.

Diana: I regularly forget to change out of my pajamas. In addition, I miss the interaction with my colleagues and I don't like online calls very much.

Mother: Isolation. Little contact with people.

Did you travel more since you could take your job anywhere? If yes, where?

Nina: Definitely. I did a few days last year from Croatia. But since I was the only one of the group who really worked at the home office, I ended up taking a vacation 😀

I use it even when I move on the Czech-Slovakia-Austria route, when I often do it from the train or from the car.

Lenka: Not at all, as my job is from 9-17:00 and sometimes after working hours, I can't imagine that I would also she traveled and discovered the world.

Roman: No.


Maťa: Once it was Croatia, once the Tatras. I felt pretty good from the beach 😁


Did you meet your colleagues during home -office?

Nina: Not personally, as I was in another city. But nevertheless, I feel that it brought us closer, because we wrote to each other non-stop.

In the office, I was always more focused on my work and the last thing I wanted was to talk while I was doing it.

That changed during covid and the lack of contact with people.

Lenka: Yes.

Roman: Yes.

Diana: Unfortunately not, because I live outside Bratislava.

Mother: Yes, we actually met outside of working hours rather than in the office, since I started at Vidado during Covid and we didn't know each other before.


How many calls (percentage) do you think were completely unnecessary, and it was enough to write/inform only by email?

Nina: Maybe even 80%.

Lenka: In my opinion, not much, around 10%.

Romanian: 15%

Diana: 65%, maybe even 70% since, as I mentioned, I don't need much cally.

Mother: Phew 👀… 20% ??

What did you miss most about working in Vidado studio/office?

Nina: Chorche and spinning in the green. And joint lunches with colleagues (which, however, was not lacking in my wallet).

Lenka: Chorche and Roman.

Roman: People. But since I'm at home more, I found that I don't need an office to meet the people I like.

Diana: major FOMO.

Maťa: I guess when I am experiencing something during work (some frustration) and I want to vent, it is easier to do it in person than via chat. But also the fact that it's easier to strengthen friendships in the office, with the home office it's more about the robot.


What is the one thing that made your home office the most easy for you?

Nina: Definitely Time tracker application for me.

Lenka: My dog. I had the opportunity to spend more time with him and he often saved me during fuckups. Instant mood improvement.

Roman: The fact that I'm at home and I don't have to move from work to work. + Almost everything except spinning can be arranged comfortably from home

Diana: A set daily routine where I follow some schedule/to-do list. Thanks to her, I can be much more efficient and disciplined. It helps me a lot to separate work things from my personal life, which is sometimes impossible with a home office.

Mother:  Cleaning and cooking... And a long time to sleep haha.


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