Naked Bananas

Hello, we are NKD Bananas, we have been active on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok since 2016. We met in elementary school and have been creating together ever since. We brought something new to the Slovak scene and gained a lot of fans. Each of us has a unique personality, which allows us to perfectly complement each other and portray different characters. We have been creating our favorite concept "types of people" from the beginning and we are still continuing.
Audience gender
24.15% 75.85%
Female Male
Audience countries
Audience age

About me

Since we sit in front of the camera, it's great that we also complement each other in our private lives and have many hobbies in common. In our free time, we also play sports. Whether we play football together or exercise. We also like to spend time in nature, which many people may not say about us, but it is a great activity to ventilate. However, we also have different activities that we do on our own. Miloš is a winemaker at heart, Tomáš is dedicated to boxing and Rišo, in addition to full-time video editing, is also dedicated to his family.

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Kristína Skuráková

Account Manager

Náš YouTube kanál

Obrázok highlightu.
Sme veľmi pyšní na stále rozrastajúci sa YouTube kanál, kde máme teraz cez 470 000 odoberateľov. Naše najpopulárnejšie video bolo natočené 7 rokov dozadu a má neuveriteľných 2,7 milióna vzhliadnutí. 

Naše cookies

Obrázok highlightu.
Čo nás fakt teší, je naša vlastná značka cookies. Naše cookies sú úplná bomba, pečené z tých najlepších surovín a s receptami, čo odpalujú dekle. Kto ešte neskúsil, nevie, o čo prichádza!

Vagošský seriál

Obrázok highlightu.
Naša najobľúbenejšia séria videí je Vagošský seriál. Táto séria získala veľkú obľubu medzi našimi fanúšikmi vďaka svojmu jedinečnému humoru a autentickým postavám. Každá epizóda prináša nové a zábavné situácie, ktoré odrážajú rôzne aspekty života a spoločnosti. Vagošský seriál je pre nás srdcovou záležitosťou a radi vidíme, ako sa ľuďom páči rovnako ako nám.