
Hi, my name is Klára and I've been making videos and streaming on YouTube for 10 years, where people know me under the nickname KLARISA. I focus on a variety of topics, from vlogs to game streams and various challenges!
Audience gender
46.62% 53.38%
Female Male
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About me

In addition to YouTube, I also devote myself fully to singing, which I study at a music school in Prague. Singing is a huge passion for me, just like music itself. I have loved singing since I was little, and over time it became my life's goal and path. Music constantly inspires and motivates me to improve, but it is not my only hobby. I am also a great lover of cooking, because food is another great passion in my life. I consider myself a true food lover! I really enjoy cooking, so I often try new recipes and experiment in the kitchen, which fulfills me and gives me room for creativity.

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Jana Pavelková

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Spevácka kariéra

Obrázok highlightu.
Štúdium na hudobnej škole v Prahe a Youtube kanál venovaný iba mojej hudobnej tvorbe - @KlarisaOfficial

YouTube mi zmenil život

Obrázok highlightu.
Vďaka youtubu som sa mohla posunúť ďalej, pretože som sa časom presťahovala do Prahy, aby som sa mohla viac venovať hudbe. Youtube mi zmenil život, pretože by som nebola tam, kde som teraz. ❤️

Cez 100 000 odberateľov

Obrázok highlightu.
Mojim veľkým cieľom bolo dosiahnuť 100 000 odoberateľov, čo sa mi aj podarilo, a potom to už išlo nejako samo - až do 400 000!