
Hi, I'm Dominik, some of you may know me under the nickname DodoCZ or Dododva. In my free time, I shoot videos focused on the game Fortnite, but I also try different challenges. I have been on the YouTube scene since 2016.
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About me

It is the Fortnite game that brought me to the attention of all my current viewers. I switched to Fortnite right after my "successful" career in CS. The beginnings were quite difficult, but nothing that I could not overcome or achieve. As Rytmus says in the song "when we drive", "the Bavarian has grown close to my heart". That's why I have to mention that I really like the BMW brand, especially their M department. Fast cars are my passion, they fascinated me since I was little and I always wanted to have one at home. Football is a sport that I enjoy playing and watching. If I had to choose between Ronaldo and Messi, the choice is clear, definitely Ronaldo.

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Bez ní bych nebyl tam, kde jsem. Díky ní jsem dosáhl toho, co mám, a jsem za to velmi vděčný

1 000 000 zhlédnutí na YouTube

Obrázok highlightu.
Nikdy bych neřekl, že se mi něco takového podaří, a už vůbec ne několikrát za sebou. Je to úspěch, na který jsem opravdu hrdý.

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Obrázok highlightu.
Podařilo se mi dosáhnout něčeho, co jsem nikdy nečekal, že se stane. Kdo může říct, že dvakrát dosáhl 100 tisíc odběratelů?