
Hello, my name is Max Hrečin, but you know me by the nickname Asimister. I have been pursuing a career on YouTube for over 10 years. During this time, I tried almost everything: from vlogs to reactions to developing gaming.
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About me

In my free time, I really like to jump to throw a basketball. It's something where I can relax my mind and body, it keeps me fit and it's an escape from the daily rush of work and the like. Of course I enjoy it. 

In my free time, I also really like going to concerts, as music is close to me and seeing your favorite performer live is a real experience that you won't easily forget. 

And lastly, I like fast cars, who doesn't like the adrenaline at high engine revs and especially the sound, and since I also like driving and own such a fast car myself, I can't miss it in our repertoire of things that are very close to me and that we really like.

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Samsung Ambasádor

Obrázok highlightu.
Som ambasádorom Samsungu už viac ako 3 roky. Túto spoluprácu si veľmi vážim, keďže som bol jeden z dvoch na celom Slovensku, ktorí dosiahli možnosť stať sa ambasádorom tejto veľkej značky.

900 000+ followers

Obrázok highlightu.
Na svojom YouTube účte mám cez 900 tisíc sledovateľov, čo beriem ako veľký úspech, nakoľko každú chvíľu to bude milión. 

Magisterský titul

Obrázok highlightu.
Môj prvý highlight je získanie magisterského titulu na vysokej škole. Bolo to pre mňa pomerne náročne, keďže som sa počas školy venoval full-time YouTube, čiže časovo som to niekedy nestíhal. Niekedy toho bolo príliš veľa, no podarilo sa to a presne preto som na to hrdý.